11 ideas for new year party at home To Have A Fun on New Year’s Eve
A Carefully Planned List of 11 ideas for new year party at home To Have A Fun on New Year's Eve
The advent of a new year calls for great celebrations. A majority of adults usually celebrate New Year’s eve by partying at luxurious hotels, touring popular cities, and feasting on expensive meals. For introverts, New Year or not, they yearn for a quiet time cuddled in their comfort zone that is home. We present to you 11 ideas for new year party at home To Have A Fun on New Year’s Eve
1. Sum Up The Year With Intimate Mood Boards
What better way than looking back at the most special memories with your close friends and family members? Put on that chill playlist and get to work, because you’re going to forage for old photos and pictures that are reminiscent of good times. Assemble them chronologically on a fresh journal or even a wall and decorate it with your thoughts and drawings, to sum up the best moments in the year.
2. Invite Your Best Friend For A Sleepover
It’s a celebration if you don’t party with your best friend. Treat your pal with exclusive foods and drinks, and exchange memorable and funny moments you’ve had together. Most importantly, never forget to surprise your friend with amazing New Year gifts.
3. It’s Time To Unveil The Chef In You
Stream YouTube and find a variety dish you’ve always wanted to try cooking. Try even vlogging yourself cooking and don’t forget to send it to your friends and family as an amusing New Year gift. Don’t worry if the dish is spoiled, because you’ll have lots of fun and that’s only what matters.
4. The One-Man Show Featuring Your Quirky Dance Moves
Let the party invitations pile up. You deserve a party with just you, dancing and karaoking by yourself, as well as treating yourself to your favourite foods. Hit the karaoke machine and dance to the beats like no one’s watching. You’ll have a blast of your own.
5. A Mini Movie Festival To Binge-Watch Your Favourite Shows
With lots of junk food disposed at your hand’s length and you cuddled in your cozy pajamas, it’s time to binge-watch your favourite movies and TV shows. If confused about what to watch, browse a list of the most binge-worthy shows/movies ideal for New Year’s eve online. Lights off, it’s show time!
6. A Treasure Hunt Party For Closest Friends
Yes, yes. You’re an introvert. The last thing you need is a bunch of people serenading your house. However, New Year is a special occasion that brings fresh hopes and dreams into the world. So why not do a little something from your side to thank your close friends for staying by your side? Invite your friends, only your closest friends, for a treasure hunt game themed on your memories and moments together.
7. Pack Handpicked New Year Gifts For Friends And Family
You might be away from your friends or family. But that doesn’t excuse you from sending them thoughtful gifts on New Year’s eve. Preparing and assembling surprise gifts, fully decorated and adorned, with your personal messages and warm regards is an inevitable part of New Year celebrations.
8. A Stroll Following The Colours
The color walk is a walk that consists of choosing any one color that stands out and following it from “object to object” without any real purpose or goal. This fun activity can boost your creative energy and keep you occupied through the holidays.
9. Fundraising For Charity
Who said that celebrations mean devouring heavy meals and partying nonstop? Any small gesture of goodwill creates a huge ripple, no matter the occasion. On New Year’s eve, help a charitable organization to raise funds and support them.
10. No Backing Away From Resolutions
It’s time for resolutions! This a golden opportunity to rectify and improve yourself as well as to set new goals. Starting from the smallest goal, make a clear plan about the things you want to change and follow. Stick to the plan and keep on improving yourself. By the next year, be a new person with better goals and objectives.
11. Journal Your New Year Holidays
Pick a brand new journal and start filling it with your favourite home-alone New Year celebrations, and photos of what you’ve done, cooked, danced, or painted. This can be a great guide to make the next New Year extremely fun. You can also inspire your fellow introverts by posting these pictures online.
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