The best and unique gifts for groom to be, with photo frame, parker pen, and more
Find unique gifts for groom to be, that make him happier than ever. Here you can find such a gift that includes a Parker pen Classic Gold, Yardley London Gold, and many more yummy chocolates. Choose this gift and enjoy every happy moment with your dearest ones.
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Unique gifts for groom to be
The unique gift makes every occasion more beautiful and memorable. Here we crafted a special gift for the upcoming groom that is filled with Hershey’s exotic dark chocolate (100 g), Ferrero Rocher, a personalized photo frame, Twix, a Parker pen (Classic Gold), Yardley London gold (200 ml), and 16 pieces of Ferrero Rocher. Choose this gift and celebrate a beautiful wedding eve with your dearest ones.
Additional information
Weight | 2 kg |
Dimensions | 10 × 10 × 4 cm |
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